Rekindle boosts the safety intelligence of dangerous industries

A company that used Rekindle saw a xx% reduction in accidents within the first 6 months.
0 X
A mining company that used Rekindle saw a XX% increase in safety knowledge retention
0 %
A mining company that used Rekindle saw a XX% increase in safety knowledge retention
0 %

What is sub-optimal safety training  costing your organisation?

First know, then apply

Rekindle’s 10 min interactive safety modules make complex safety procedures easier to digest and retain, so you actually stand a chance of being able to apply it!

Reduced accidents & injuries

Effective coaching lowers the risk of injuries and accidents by connecting learners and trainers in a continuous feedback loop proven to optimise learning.

Stronger safety culture

Employees can exchange knowledge and contribute to improving safety practices, fostering a culture of continuous learning.
Boost Safety

Rekindle boosts safety ratings and the safety intelligence of organizations within months.

Why is our award-winning platform more effective?

Make safety an ongoing conversation

Rekindle creates a feedback loop through P2P learning. This creates a continuous improvement cycle where trainers can assess learners' progress and make real-time adjustments.

Turn industrial sites into classrooms

Our robust mobile-first platform is designed to optimise the learning experience in dangerous industries where “classrooms” are often the less-than-ideal sites of heavy industries.

Track improvement with real-time feedback

Quickly identify gaps in the program and improvements to address those deficiencies promptly. This agility leads to faster and more effective outcomes.

Rekindle transforms training from a monologue into a conversation of continuous improvement.

For learners -

Baby steps to safety training

Learners can’t progress until they’ve proven a mastery over a bite-sized safety training module, ensuring critical safety knowledge is retained when on-site or in-field.

No need to be “school” smart

Learners can’t progress until they’ve proven a mastery over a bite-sized safety training module, ensuring critical safety knowledge is retained when on-site or in-field.

Designed to inspire learning

Our platform comes fully loaded with videos, rapid creation tools, eye-candy dashboards, gamified learning, and an award-winning AI analytics engine.

For trainers -

Real-time assessment

With Rekindle’s feedback loop, trainers can identify areas where learners may need additional support, enabling targeted interventions.

Smarter, more agile trainers

Via real-time feedback and data-driven insights, trainers can identify program gaps and promptly address those deficiencies.

Rapid content creation

Trainers can quickly create content with our intuitive dashboards, enabling organisations to improve safety programs in real-time.

Find out why our
customers love us

Customer Testimonials

Ready to succeed with Rekindle’s ready-made courses?

Accelerate Operational Efficiency

Level up your health and safety record, one training burst at a time.

Speak with us about tailor-made learning strategies.
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